Istria Experience

Info points

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Istria Experience 2022 Info Punkt (4)

Info points in Poreč and Umag

You are coming to Istria and, unsure of where to spend your time, you don't know where to start? You are looking for quality advice or ideas how to make tours, relaxing on the beach and exciting experiences a single vacation? And remember you can’t leave without souvenirs! The nearest Istria Experience Info Point will help you with everything you need.

Every Istria Experience Info Point will provide you with up-to-date and reliable information for holidays, along with advice, instructions and additional recommendations. Do not waste your time and money in vain – the best experiences in Istria and the unforgettable moments, the flavours of the Mediterranean and the good holiday feeling start here! Istria Experience will be your trustworthy travelling partner!

Istria Experience 2022 Info Punkt (17)

Visit us at your nearest Istria Experience location, or visit our website. There, you can find:

  • information about the destination

  • a wide selection of original Istrian experiences and excursions

  • professional partner services, vouchers and discounts

  • reliable transfers

  • guaranteed best price

  • cancellations of most reservations without charge

  • a variety of souvenirs